Inspiration & Intentions | Summer 2018

August is here, and with that comes Love & Light Loft's newest collection! The number one intention is to bring you love & light with each element. I began with the color palette, thinking about what brings about these good vibes in the summertime? The answer to this was the warmth of the sun, and the freshness of water.
I found a perfect combination of warm and cool colors that work together wonderfully! Along with these, I will be using white and gold as accent colors!
I wanted the designs to carry this same feeling of good summer vibes. I find often that the summer is a time for reflection. The year is about halfway done so you begin to look at your progress and your setbacks, and evaluate how you will move forward. Growth came to mind, so I began thinking about sunflowers and mandalas and I knew they would be perfect!
I think this is the reason I am drawn to flowers and mandalas. Flowers are continuously growing and flourishing no matter the circumstances. They grow out of concrete, out of mud, and reach high into the heavens, blooming to display their beauty.
In the summertime, just as the sunflower in the hot, hot heat, you have the capacity to grow and flourish, and show yourself that you indeed, are light.

The mandala is a representation of yourself. It begins at the center expanding in rotation, as it adds on your wisdom and experiences. All your experiences make you the light that you are at this very moment. This thought inspired this season's mantra: "YOU ARE LIGHT."
My hope with this collection is that it fills your life with light, and that is serves as a mirror, reflecting your wonderful beauty right back at you.
Take advantage of the wallpaper freebies on my Instagram stories! Click on the "FREEBIE" highlight, then hold the screen and take a screenshot. In your settings, you can save the image(s) onto your either your lock screen or home screen (or both)! I have the calendar option set as my lock screen!

P.S. I am working on finishing up the site options to have the collection live on Saturday by noon (PST). I am adding some new types of products and a custom shop, so it is taking a little longer than I expected. I want the process to be as easy as possible and user friendly! So thank you for your patience!
I will also be uploading more "behind-the-scenes" videos to give you a glimpse into how everything is created. Thank you for joining me and following the process along!
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